Saturday, December 20, 2008

The H2o series : Snowfall

The second installment to the H2o series came about with the icy temperatures of December. It was all people would chat about during small talk - that the weather forecast was predicting snow. Lots and lots of snow.

This session was photographed during blizzard-like snowfall. Not only was the snow coming down at a fast tempo, but it was also being blown about by the incessant wind. Fun as it was being in this winter wonderland, I was also freezing my toes off while getting these shots. Difficulties for Tim were that it was very slippery, as you can imagine. The snow also gets everywhere. And yes, I mean, everywhere!

But the fruits of our labor are very satisfying. The snow has such a quiet beauty like none other. Therefore, the dance enshrouded by snow seems to be of a peaceful and poetic co-existence.


