Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The H2o Series : Submerged

Another conceptual project to add to my repertoire is a collection of water-related photos which I have titled, The H2o Series. The first to be added to this collection is "submerged," an underwater shot of my subject, bboy Tim Chips.

The challenge of this series is that water itself is a difficult subject to photograph. There are tons of technical complications that require diligent planning, plus lots and lots of takes of each pose. Wardrobe was another detail we took particular note of, choosing a blazer that would flow with the water, and a vibrant red shirt that would set a sharp contrast against the blue.

In this particular photo, we had already been shooting for about an hour before we landed this shot. The water is about 12 feet deep, thus being quite the workout for Tim. There was also a great deal for him to think about and remember, as I guided him along where, when, and how to move. I, myself, being not the strongest swimmer and frankly quite afraid of the water at times, must give him the utmost respect and admiration for pulling off such a daunting task. Not bad for our first attempt!
