Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Freestyle Session 2008

I attended one of the biggest breakdancing battles over the past weekend, with some of the best bboys, bgirls, and dj's from around the world. The rooms were filled with raw talent. So inspiring were the dancers that I would love to train to dance like them if I had the time. Alas, I am spread so thin as it is! It can only be a means of goofing around with friends and cardio exercise when I do make it out on the dance floor.

The highlight of the two-day event was watching Seattle's own 6-year old Jaylen battle another youngster of 7 years. It'll be amazing to see how talented they later become when they're all grown up. The Jabbawokeez (winner of America's Best Dance Crew) also performed a 20 minute show, and they blew me away with the eeriness of their masks and stylized choreography.

Tim Chips at Freestyle Session